Rollbar Query Language (RQL) provides a rich SQL-like interface to the data in Rollbar. RQL is bundled with Rollbar Analyze, which also includes the Metrics API and is only available to our Advanced and Enterprise packages.
RQL supports running SELECT
queries on two logical tables, item_occurrence
and deploy
. Basic GROUP BY
, and aggregation functions are available, as are arbitrary expressions in the WHERE
and FROM
are required. WHERE
, and LIMIT
are optional.
may be used as long as there is no GROUP BY
clause. It will return a list of columns similar to the Occurrences tab on the Item Detail pages.
You can reference a selected column using its index, e.g. GROUP BY 1
SQL keywords and built-in function names are case-insensitive (i.e. SELECT
and select
are both fine).
Column names should start with a lowercase letter and may contain letters, numbers, and periods (for specifying a JSON path). If you need any other characters (i.e. a hyphen, or to start with an uppercase letter), escape with backticks (i.e. request.headers.User-Agent
Built-in Functions
: counts all rowscount(foo)
: counts rows wherefoo
is notNULL
: counts distinct rows wherefoo
is notNULL
: sums the value offoo
(for rows wherefoo
is notNULL
: average value offoo
(for rows wherefoo
is notNULL
: minimum value offoo
: maximum value offoo
: returns the current Unix timestamp, as an integerconcat(str1, str2, ...)
: returns the string resulting from concatenating all argumentsconcat_ws(sep, str1, str2, ...)
: returns the string resulting from concatenating the second argument and beyond, separated by the first argumentlower(str)
: convertsstr
to lowercaseupper(str)
: convertsstr
to uppercaseleft(str, len)
: returns thelen
leftmost characters ofstr
right(str, len)
: returns thelen
rightmost characters ofstr
substring(str, pos)
: returns the substring fromstr
starting atpos
(all characters frompos
until the end)substring(str, pos, len)
: returns a substring from str starting atpos
, at mostlen
characterslocate(substr, str)
: returns the position of the first occurrence ofsubstr
. (1-indexed)locate(substr, str, pos)
: returns the position of the first occurrence ofsubstr
, starting the search at positionpos
: returns the length ofstr
in characterslength(str)
: returns the length ofstr
in bytesif(boolean_expr, value_if_true, value_if_false)
: evaluates tovalue_if_true
if the expressionboolean_expr
evalutes to true,value_if_false
Performance considerations
RQL queries data from multiple databases and assembles the result set at the end. To optimize performance we moved the most frequently queried columns to a faster database. You can expect faster results in case your query uses the following columns only.
For further performance improvement, we suggest querying the necessary columns only and applying item (e.g., WHERE item.counter = 123
) or timestamp (e.g., WHERE timestamp > unix_timestamp() - 86400
) filters in each query.
Although RQL supports all operations and functions listed above, you might experience slowness when using the
Optimized Column Name |
body.message.body |
browser |
client.javascript.browser |
client.javascript.code_version |
client.javascript.guess_uncaught_frames |
client.javascript.source_map_enabled |
code_version |
context |
item.counter |
item.environment |
item.framework |
item.hash |
item.id |
item.level |
item.platform |
item.status |
item.title |
language |
notifier.name |
notifier.version |
occurrence_id |
os |
person |
person.email |
person.id |
person.username |
project_id |
project_slug |
request.body |
request.headers.* |
request.method |
request.query_string |
request.url |
request.user_ip |
server.branch |
server.cpu |
server.host |
server.pid |
server.root |
timestamp |
uuid |
Templates and Examples
To get great examples of RQL queries, we have included a tabbed section called Template. These are our top 3 queries for finding occurrence trends, filtering items, and the impact of errors. By clicking on the template, we will automatically fill in your RQL code editor and allow you to change factors like time stamps or item counters to personalize your query to your needs.
If you need more examples of RQL, here are eight more advanced samples to help you learn RQL.
To find all occurrences of item #47, grouped by request.user_ip
with the total count, earliest timestamp, and most recent timestamp, ordered by total count descending and limited to the top 10 rows:
SELECT request.user_ip, min(timestamp), max(timestamp), count(*)
FROM item_occurrence
WHERE item.counter = 47
GROUP BY request.user_ip
ORDER BY count(*) DESC
To see the timestamp and message for all occurrences for Items #40 to #50:
SELECT timestamp, body.message.body
FROM item_occurrence
WHERE item.counter BETWEEN 40 AND 50
To see the occurrences of Items #1, 2, and 3:
FROM item_occurrence
WHERE item.counter IN (1,2,3)
To find items that affected the most IPs in the last 3 days, grouped by the item number and ordered by the distinct count of the number of user_ips descending:
SELECT item.counter
FROM item_occurrence
WHERE timestamp > unix_timestamp() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 3
GROUP BY item.counter
ORDER BY count_distinct(request.user_ip) desc
To see all the items with the User-Agent string python-requests/2.9.1
in a date range, ordered by timestamps descending:
FROM item_occurrence
WHERE `request.headers.User-Agent` = "python-requests/2.9.1"
AND timestamp BETWEEN 1507566716 and 1510245116
ORDER BY timestamp desc
To grab all the referrer domains Item #1234 came from, grouped by the domain and limited to the top 1000 rows:
SELECT substring(request.headers.Referer, locate('.', request.headers.Referer), locate('.', request.headers.Referer, locate('.', request.headers.Referer)) - locate('.', request.headers.Referer) - 1)
FROM item_occurrence
WHERE item.counter = 1234
LIMIT 1000
To find all the occurrences of items that occurred on Safari version 9.x on the last day:
FROM item_occurrence
WHERE client.javascript.browser LIKE '%Version/9.%.% Safari/%'
AND timestamp > unix_timestamp() - 60 * 60 * 24
To grab the occurrence counts per item per day for the last three days:
SELECT timestamp div 86400, item.counter, count(*)
FROM item_occurrence
WHERE timestamp > unix_timestamp() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 3
GROUP BY 1, item.counter
Good to know
- RQL sometimes timeout unless you put a date range, such as
WHERE timestamp > unix_timestamp() - 86400
. - When using
, ensure the group/order clause is also present in theSELECT
clause. - You cannot
a function unless the same expression is in theSELECT
clause. - You can reference a column by its index in a
statement, for exampleGROUP BY 1
. - You can share the URL with a co-worker and they'll see the same results you do, without rerunning the query.
- After a query has been completed, press
again to re-run it.
- At most 1000 rows will be returned per query (though any number of rows may be examined)
, subqueries, joins, or unions are unsupportedANY
clauses are unsupportedSELECT *
cannot be combined withGROUP BY
- You cannot
a function unless the same expression is in theSELECT
clause. - You cannot run more than 2 RQL queries in parallel per account
- Querying more than 200K occurrences typically does not work. It may be useful to narrow your query by
to stay under the 200K threshold. For example: - Filter by day:
WHERE unix_timestamp() - timestamp BETWEEN 60 * 60 * 24 * 0 and 60 * 60 * 24 * 1
- Filter by hour:
WHERE unix_timestamp() - timestamp BETWEEN 60 * 60 * 0 and 60 * 60 * 1
- Filter by item.counter:
WHERE item.counter = 800
- Timeouts occur at 10 minutes of the RQL job running.
is a table where each row contains data for a single occurrence and the item it is associated with. Column names starting with "item." reference the item, and all other column names reference the occurrence. Column names that do not exist in a particular occurrence evaluate to NULL
The following columns exist for every row in item_occurrence
Name | Description |
item.id | System-wide Item ID |
item.counter | Project-wide Item ID |
item.environment | Environment name |
item.platform | Platform ID |
item.framework | Framework ID |
item.hash | Computed fingerprint of the item (controls grouping) |
item.first_occurrence_id | ID of the first occurrence |
item.first_occurrence_timestamp | Timestamp of the first occurrence |
item.activating_occurrence_id | ID of the first occurrence since the item was last resolved |
item.last_activated_timestamp | Timestamp the item was last activated |
item.last_resolved_timestamp | Timestamp the item was last resolved |
item.last_muted_timestamp | Timestamp the item was last muted |
item.last_occurrence_id | ID of the most recent occurrence |
item.last_occurrence_timestamp | Timestamp of the most recent occurrence |
item.last_modified_by | ID of the user who last modified this item |
item.assigned_user_id | ID of the user who this item is assigned to |
item.level | Item level (50=critical, 40=error, 30=warning, 20=info, 10=debug) |
item.resolved_in_version | The revision of the item was last marked as resolved |
item.status | Status (as an integer: 1=active, 2=resolved, 3=muted) |
item.title | Computed title |
item.total_occurrences | The number of occurrences since the last time this item was resolved |
occurrence_id | System-wide Occurrence ID |
project_slug | The project's slug |
timestamp | Timestamp of the occurrence, as a Unix timestamp |
Many virtual columns will also exist, depending on which Rollbar SDK you use and what custom data you send. Simply use the JSON path to the field you want to query. To see the JSON structure of one of your occurrences, click the "Raw JSON" button on an Occurrence page. The structure will follow the Rollbar API Item Schema.
When querying a virtual column, make sure to wrap it in backticks, e.g.
Here are some common column names, all of which refer to data for the occurrence:
Name | Description |
body.crash_report.raw | The raw crash report (if the occurrence is a crash report) |
body.message.body | The primary message text (if the occurrence is a message) |
body.message.foo | Any arbitrary keys of metadata you sent (if the occurrence is a message) |
body.trace.exception.class | The exception class name (if the occurrence is a single exception) |
body.trace.exception.message | The exception message (if the occurrence is a single exception) |
body.trace_chain.0.exception.class | The first exception class (if the occurrence is a list of nested exceptions) |
body.trace_chain.0.exception.message | The first exception message (if the occurrence is a list of nested exceptions) |
client.javascript.browser | Raw user agent string (from rollbar.js) |
client.javascript.code_version | The running code version in JavaScript |
client.javascript.source_map_enabled | Whether or not source map deobfuscation is enabled |
client.javascript.guess_uncaught_frames | Whether or not frame guessing is enabled |
client.runtime_ms | How long the page was open before the event occurred (rollbar.js) |
code_version | The version of the application code |
context | An identifier for which part of your application the error came from |
custom.foo | Arbitrary metadata you sent |
custom.foo.bar | Nested arbitrary metadata you sent |
language | The name of the reported language for the event |
notifier.name | Name of the library that sent the item |
notifier.version | The version string of the library that sent the item |
person.id | A string identifying the user in your system |
person.username | A username string |
person.email | An email string |
request.url | Full URL where the error occurred |
request.method | The request method |
request.headers | Object containing the request headers |
request.params | Any routing parameters |
request.GET | Query string parameters |
request.query_string | The raw query string |
request.POST | POST parameters |
request.body | The raw POST body |
request.user_ip | The end user's IP address as a string |
server.host | The server hostname |
server.root | Path to the application code root |
server.branch | Name of the checked-out source control branch |
server.code_version | String describing the running code version on the server |
uuid | A string that uniquely identifies the occurrence. See UUIDs |
is a table where each row represents a single deploy. It contains the following columns:
Name | Description |
id | System-wide ID |
user_id | Rollbar user_id of the rollbar_username recorded for the deploy |
environment | Name of the deployed environment |
revision | Revision (e.g., git SHA hash or version number) deployed |
local_username | Local username recorded for the deploy |
comment | The deploy comment |
timestamp | Timestamp when the deployment was recorded |
project_slug | The project's slug |
Framework IDs
The item.framework
property is an integer value that maps as follows:
'unknown': 0,
'rails': 1,
'django': 2,
'pyramid': 3,
'node-js': 4,
'pylons': 5,
'php': 6,
'browser-js': 7,
'rollbar-system': 8, # system messages, like "over rate limit"
'android': 9,
'ios': 10,
'mailgun': 11,
'logentries': 12,
'python': 13,
'ruby': 14,
'sidekiq': 15,
'flask': 16,
'celery': 17,
'rq': 18,
'java': 19,
'dotnet': 20,
'go': 21,
'react-native': 22,
'macos': 23,
'apex': 24,
'spring': 25,
'bottle': 26,
'twisted': 27,
'asgi': 28,
'starlette': 29,
'fastapi': 30,
'karafka': 31,
'flutter': 32,
Platform IDs
The item.platform
property is an integer value which maps as follows:
'unknown': 0,
'browser': 1,
'flash': 2,
'android': 3,
'ios': 4,
'heroku': 5,
'google-app-engine': 6,
'client': 7,
Handling RQL Jobs
When users submit a query, we initiate a specialized job to handle it. This approach is particularly beneficial for queries that might take longer to process. By creating a job, users can navigate away and return later to retrieve the results without being bound to await the query's completion in real-time or share the URL with a team member so they can view the query results without having to re-run the query. Note Jobs will timeout after 10 minutes of running. Please review our performance consideration to reduce your query runtime.
These RQL jobs can be identified and tracked through specific URL query parameters: prj
represents the project ID, and jobId
is used for the unique RQL job ID. These parameters ensure that users can quickly locate and manage their queries.
It's essential to note that these jobs, queries, and results are stored for seven days. After this duration, the query and its corresponding results are purged from the system. However, a job record remains, marked with a status of Deleted
, serving as a historical trail for auditing or review purposes.
In addition, RQL jobs are also available via a dedicated endpoint in the Rollbar API. This feature provides an additional layer of convenience for working programmatically. Here is a cURL example on how to create an RQL request:
curl --location 'https://api.rollbar.com/api/1/rql/jobs/' \
--header 'X-Rollbar-Access-Token: ACCOUNT_READ_TOKEN' \
--form 'query_string=" SELECT *
FROM item_occurrence
WHERE item.counter = 1
ORDER BY timestamp DESC"'
This returns a job ID which you can use in the Job Results endpoint . Here is a cURL example on how to retrieve the results with an RQL job ID of 102914452
curl --location 'https://api.rollbar.com/api/1/rql/job/102914452/result' \
--header 'X-Rollbar-Access-Token: ACCOUNT_READ_TOKEN'
You can then retrieve
AI Assistant
This is an experimental feature
Data Access Agreement
Since our AI assistant uses OpenAI's services, an account owner must accept our 3rd party data agreement in the account settings. This agreement states that you understand anything you put into the prompt will be sent to OpenAI's API. For accounts still needing approval, there are prompts on the AI Assistant for both team members and owners.
Rollbar will not send PII, project names, or item information to OpenAI.
Using the AI Assistant.
Using the AI Assistant is easy. Input your natural question into the input box and click the "Generate RQL" button. The AI Assistant will return your query to the RQL query code editor. This gives you the ability to edit your query to fit your needs. When you are ready to submit your query, please select your project and click the "Run RQL" button under the code editors.
During our experimental phase of the AI Assistant, we will be limiting accounts to 50 AI prompts per calendar month. AI Assistant is only available to Advanced accounts. For Enterprise accounts, please contact your Account Manager for access at no additional cost to your contract.
Exporting RQL results
RQL results can be exported as a comma-separated values (CSV) file for use in other tools and systems to help you generate reports.
Updated 7 days ago