
Rollbar SDK for Ruby | Support Level: Supported

Add the Rollbar-gem to your Ruby projects to automatically capture and report errors in your applications.

Quick Start

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rollbar'

And then execute:

bundle install
# Or if you don't use bundler:
gem install rollbar

Further instructions can be found per framework or integration:

Rollbar-gem supports Ruby >= 1.8.7 and Rails >= 3.0.


Uncaught exceptions in Rails controllers will be automatically reported to Rollbar. You can use one of Rollbar.log(level, ...), Rollbar.debug(),, Rollbar.warning(), Rollbar.error() and Rollbar.critical() to report caught exceptions and messages.

The methods accept any number of arguments. The last exception is used as the reported exception, the last string is used as the message/description, and the last hash is used as the extra data.

For example:

  result = user_info[:key1][:key2][:key3]
rescue NoMethodError => e
  # simple exception report (level can be 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error' and 'critical')
  Rollbar.log('error', e)

  # same functionality as above

  # with a description
  Rollbar.error(e, 'The user info hash doesn\'t contain the correct data')

  # with extra data giving more insight about the exception
  Rollbar.error(e, :user_info => user_info, :job_id => job_id)

You can also log individual messages:

Rollbar.warning('Unexpected input')

# can also include extra data"Login successful", :username => @username)

Rollbar.log('debug', 'Settings saved', :account_id =>

Reporting form validation errors

To get form validation errors automatically reported to Rollbar just add the following after_validation callback to your models:

after_validation :report_validation_errors_to_rollbar

The Scope

The scope is an object, an instance of Rollbar::LazyStore that stores the current context data for a certain moment or situation. For example, the Rails middleware defines the scope in a way similar to this:

scope = {request: request_data,
         person: person_data,
         context: context_data
Rollbar.scoped(scope) do
  rescue Exception => exception
    # ...

You can access the scope on the before_process and transform hooks like this:

your_handler = proc do |options|
  scope = options[:scope]

  request_data = scope[:request]
  person_data = scope[:person]
  context_data = scope[:context]

You can use Rollbar.scope() to copy a notifier instance and customize the payload data for one-off reporting. The hash argument to scope() will be merged into the copied notifier's "payload options", a hash that will be merged into the final payload just before it is reported to Rollbar.

For example:

while job
  user = job.user

  # Overwrites any existing person data
  notifier = Rollbar.scope({
    :person => {:id =>, :username => user.username, :email =>}

  rescue => e
    # Sends a report with the above person data

  job = next_job

# Wipe person data
notifier = notifier.scope({
  :person => nil

# No associated person data'Jobs processed')

If you don't want to work with a new Notifier instance .scoped will do it for you:

while job
  user = job.user

  # Overwrites any existing person data
  scope = {
    :person => {:id =>, :username => user.username, :email =>}

  Rollbar.scoped(scope) do
    rescue => e
      # Sends a report with the above person data

  job = next_job

To modify the current scope (rather than creating a new one), use Rollbar.scope!. You can use this to add additional context data from inside a web request, background job, etc.

class NotificationJob
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(user_id)
    Rollbar.scope!(:person => { :id => user_id })

    # If this next line causes an exception, the reported exception (which will
    # be reported by Rollbar's standard Sidekiq instrumentation) will also
    # include the above person information.


If you are using Rollbar.scope! within a scoped block, your context will only apply within that scoped block because of how Rollbar gets shadowed.

Error contexts

Scopes allow augmenting the payload with context information while within specific code paths. In some cases, it is more useful to add context information to an exception while still allowing the exception to bubble up to outer layers of execution. When an outer layer reports the exception or when the uncaught exception handler reports it, the context information already added to the exception object will be added to the Rollbar payload.

By default,exception objects have an accessor exception.rollbar_context that can be set with any custom data.

exception.rollbar_context = { foo: 'bar' }

When the error is later reported to Rollbar, the context will be added to the trace.extra key for the error.

"data": {
    "trace": {
      "extra": { "foo": "bar" }

A common example where this is useful is when an exception must be handled by the caller. If the error is reported with context and re-raised, this usually causes duplicate errors to be reported. If the error is not caught, the relevant context is no longer available when it is caught and reported later.


class ExampleClass
  def any_method(params)
    // do work…
  rescue ArgumentError => e
    // Let the uncaught exception handler or other application code
    // report this later with the context set here.
    e.rollbar_context = { foo: ‘bar’ }

In this example, the caller is allowed to handle the ArgumentError, and when it is reported to Rollbar, the report will include the added context.

Code and context

By default we send the following values for each backtrace frame: filename, lineno and method. You can configure Rollbar to additionally send code (the actual line of code) and context (lines before and after) for each frame.

Since the backtrace can be very long, you can configure to send this data for all the frames or only your in-project frames. There are three levels: :none (default), :app (only your project files) and :all. Example:

Rollbar.configure do |config|
   config.send_extra_frame_data = :app

Enabling local variables in stack traces

Collection of local variables is disabled by default. To enable:

config.send_extra_frame_data = :app # or :all
config.locals = { :enabled => true }

send_extra_frame_data must be enabled in order to send locals.

Reporting of local variables can both impact performance and payload size. This is because, especially in Rails environments, the size and number of objects the framework puts on the stack are significant. Testing for performance impact is recommended before enabling in production or other performance sensitive environments. Here are ways to mitigate this when enabling locals.

config.send_extra_frame_data = :app

send_extra_frame_data must be enabled for locals capture to work, but setting its value to :app instead of :all will only capture locals for your application frames.

config.backtrace_cleaner =

In ActiveSupport environments like Rails, ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner is a useful way to clean up stack traces before they are added to the payload. The default settings are reasonable, and custom filters and silencers can be added easily.

Scrubbing sensitive data in locals

Any keys that are configured as scrub fields will be applied to the keys of locals data. Locals capture is off by default, and when enabled, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure all necessary scrub keys are configured. Variables that appear on the stack, and the names of those variables, may change as your application code changes. The scrub list should be updated to match the stack data your app generates.

Additionally, other customizations such as the backtrace cleaner and custom transform functions can be used to manage what data is removed or modified in the stack locals data.

Upgrading from Previous Versions

You can find upgrading notes in

Managing Sensitive Data


If you are required to comply with GDPR or HIPAA, we have a few recommendations for how to manage the sensitive data you may be sending to Rollbar. We recommend setting up person tracking, customizing your data retention period (more info on this here), anonymizing or not capturing IP addresses, and scrubbing sensitive data before sending Rollbar items. For HIPAA compliance, we additionally recommend transforming the payload before sending Rollbar items, as sometimes sensitive data may be found in stack traces.

For information on setting up person tracking, please see here. You can simply send only the and no other identifying information, such as an email address. If you have already sent Rollbar sensitive person data and wish to delete it, please see our documentation on deleting person data here.

You may also configure whether or not to capture IP addresses (by setting collect_user_ip to true or false) or have the SDK do a semi-anonymization on the captured IP address by masking out the least significant bits (by setting anonymize_user_ip to true). Additionally, you may obfuscate the user IP by configuring a secret to do so by using user_ip_obfuscator_secret, and a different IP address from the original will be reported.

# collect the full user IP address
Rollbar.configure do |config|
   config.collect_user_ip = true

# or anonymize the IP address
Rollbar.configure do |config|
   config.anonymize_user_ip = true

# or obfuscate the user IP
Rollbar.configuration.user_ip_obfuscator_secret = "a-private-secret-here"

Scrubbing Items

By default, the notifier will "scrub" the following fields from payloads before sending to Rollbar


And the following http header


If a request contains one of these fields, the value will be replaced with a "*" before being sent.

Additional params can be scrubbed by updating config.scrub_fields:

# scrub out the "user_password" field
config.scrub_fields |= [:user_password]

And config.scrub_headers:

# scrub out the "X-Access-Token" http header
config.scrub_headers |= ["X-Access-Token"]

The fields in scrub_fields will be used to scrub the values for the matching keys in the GET, POST, raw body and route params and also in cookies and session, but not the entire GET, POST, raw body, route params, cookies, or session. If you want to customize better exactly which part of the request data is scrubbed you can use the transform hook.


config.transform << proc do |options|
  data = options[:payload]['data']
  data[:request][:session][:key] = Rollbar::Scrubbers.scrub_value(data[:request][:session][:key])

In the previous example we are scrubbing the key value inside the session data.

If you would simply like to scrub all params, you can use :scrub_all like so:

config.scrub_fields = :scrub_all

Transforming the Payload

After the payload is built but before it is sent to our API, the gem will call the handlers defined in configuration.transform. To include extra data in your payload, see Including additional runtime data. The handlers should be Proc objects or objects responding to #call method. The received argument is a Hash object with these keys:

  • level: the level used for the report.
  • exception: the exception that caused the report, if any.
  • message: the message to use for the report, if any.
  • extra: extra data passed to the report methods.
  • scope: the current Scope; see Scope
  • payload: the built payload that will be sent to the API

Handlers may mutate the payload. For example:

handler = proc do |options|
  payload = options[:payload]

  payload['data'][:environment] = 'foo'

Rollbar.configure do |config|
  config.transform << handler

Ignoring Items

Before we process data sent to Rollbar.log (or Rollbar.error/info etc.) to build and send the payload, the gem will call the handlers defined in configuration.before_process. The handlers should be Proc objects or objects responding to #call method. The received argument is a Hash object with these keys:

  • level: the level used for the report.
  • exception: the exception that caused the report, if any.
  • message: the message to use for the report, if any.
  • extra: extra data passed to the report methods.
  • scope: the current Scope; see Scope

There are two ways to ignore or discard the current item in the handler.

If the exception Rollbar::Ignore is raised inside any of the handlers defined for configuration.before_process, we'll ignore the report and not send the error data to Rollbar. For example:

handler = proc do |options|
  raise Rollbar::Ignore if any_smart_method(options)

Rollbar.configure do |config|
  config.before_process << handler

Alternately, the handler may return the string 'ignored'.

handler = proc do |options|
  next 'ignored' if any_smart_method(options)


Disable sending error data to Rollbar

If you don't want to send error data to Rollbar, just set the enabled flag to false.

Rollbar.configure do |config|
  config.enabled = false

Person Tracking

Rollbar will send information about the current user (called a "person" in Rollbar parlance) along with each error report, when available. This works by calling the current_user controller method. The return value should be an object with an id method and, optionally, username and email methods.

This will happen automatically for uncaught Rails exceptions and for any manual exception or log reporting done within a Rails request.

If the gem should call a controller method besides current_user, add the following in config/initializers/rollbar.rb:

Rollbar.configure do |config|
  config.person_method = "my_current_user"

If the methods to extract the id, username, and email from the object returned by the person_method have other names, configure like so in config/initializers/rollbar.rb:

Rollbar.configure do |config|
  config.person_id_method = "user_id"  # default is "id"
  config.person_username_method = "user_name"  # default is `nil`
  config.person_email_method = "email_address"  # default is `nil`

Information on person tracking with Rack applications can be found in Rack.

The rollbar-gem SDK generates a UUID for each event reported from the notifier to the platform. The UUID is written to the logs in the notifier.rb file. This UUID can be used to track customer issues, correlate exceptions to automated test sessions, and more.

Including additional runtime data

You can provide a callable that will be called for each exception or message report. custom_data_method should be a lambda that either takes no arguments or takes three arguments (message, exception, context) and returns a hash.

Add the following in config/initializers/rollbar.rb:

config.custom_data_method = lambda {
  { :some_key => :some_value, :complex_key => {:a => 1, :b => [2, 3, 4]} }


config.custom_data_method = lambda{ |message, exception, context|
  { :some_key => :some_value, :complex_key => {:a => 1, :b => [2, 3, 4]} }

This data will appear in the Occurrences tab and on the Occurrence Detail pages in the Rollbar interface.

If your custom_data_method crashes while reporting an error, Rollbar will report that new error and will attach its uuid URL to the parent error report.

context for your custom_data_method is the value passed in the :custom_data_method_context key of your log method's extra_data argument. Note that once the value is passed as context it is removed from your extra_data and will be not be included in your extra by default.

config.custom_data_method = lambda { |message, exception, context|
    fully_qualified_controller_name: "MyApp::" + context[:controller_name]

  "Simple message", 
    extra_data_1: "some value",
    custom_data_method_context: { 
      controller_name: "ExampleController"

The above example will result in the following extra:

    extra_data_1: "some value",
    fully_qualified_controller_name: "MyApp::ExampleController"

As you can see, the custom_data_method_context will not be directly included in your extra.

Below is an example usage in a Rails application:

# config/initializers/rollbar.rb
Rollbar.configure do |config|
  config.custom_data_method = lambda do |message, exception, context|
    { controller_name: context[:controller].controller_name }
# app/controller/welcome_controller.rb
class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
  def check_context
      'This is a message from Welcome#check_context',
        custom_data_method_context: {
          controller: self

Exception level filters

By default, all uncaught exceptions are reported at the "error" level, except for the following, which are reported at "warning" level:

  • ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
  • AbstractController::ActionNotFound
  • ActionController::RoutingError

If you'd like to customize this list, modify the example code in config/initializers/rollbar.rb. Supported levels: "critical", "error", "warning", "info", "debug", "ignore". Set to "ignore" to cause the exception not to be reported at all. For example, to ignore 404s and treat NoMethodErrors as critical bugs, you can use the following code:

  'ActionController::RoutingError' => 'ignore',
  'NoMethodError' => 'critical'

This behavior applies to uncaught exceptions, not direct calls to Rollbar.error(), Rollbar.warning(), etc. If you are making a direct call to one of the log methods and want exception level filters to apply, pass an extra keyword argument:

Rollbar.error(exception, :use_exception_level_filters => true)

Dynamic levels

You can also specify a callable object (any object that responds to call) which will be called with the exception instance. For example, you can have a single error reported at different levels using the following code:

  'SomeError' => lambda { |error| error.to_s.include?('not serious enough') ? 'info' : 'error' }

Overriding the Configuration

There are some cases where you would need to change the Rollbar configuration for a specific block of code so a new configuration is used on the reported errors in that block. You can use Rollbar.with_config to do this. It receives a Hash object with the configuration overrides you want to use for the given block. The configuration options to use can be found in the Configuration Reference. So the Hash passed to with_config can be like {environment: 'specific-environment'}.

Rollbar.with_config(use_async: false) do
    # do work that may crash
  rescue => e

This method looks similar to Rollbar.scoped and internally Rollbar.with_config uses it. Now Rollbar.scoped can receive a second argument with the config overrides for the given block of code. So if you need to set a new payload scope and new config for a code block, you can:

scope = {context: 'foo'}
new_config = {framework: 'Sinatra'}

Rollbar.scoped(scope, new_config) do
    # do work that may crash
  rescue => e

In the example from above we are defining a new payload scope and overriding the framework configuration for the reported errors inside the given block.

Silencing Exceptions at Runtime

If you just want to disable exception reporting for a single block, use Rollbar.silenced:

Rollbar.silenced {
  foo = bar  # will not be reported

Sending A Backtrace Without Rescued Exceptions

If you use the gem in this way:

exception ='this is a message')

You will notice a backtrace doesn't appear in your Rollbar dashboard. This is because exception.backtrace is nil in these cases. We can send the current backtrace for you even if your exception doesn't have it. In order to enable this feature you should configure Rollbar in this way:

Rollbar.configure do |config|
  config.populate_empty_backtraces = true

Asynchronous reporting

By default, all messages are reported synchronously. You can enable asynchronous reporting with girl_friday, sucker_punch, Sidekiq, Resque, DelayedJob, using threading, using with rollbar-agent, or other handlers.


Add the following in config/initializers/rollbar.rb:


To set the thread priority:

config.use_thread({ :priority => 2 })

Other handlers

You can supply your own handler using config.async_handler. The object to set for async_handler should respond to #call and receive the payload. The handler should schedule the payload for later processing (i.e. with a delayed_job, in a resque queue, etc.) and should itself return immediately. For example:

config.use_async = true
config.async_handler = { |payload| { Rollbar.process_from_async_handler(payload) }

Make sure you pass payload to Rollbar.process_from_async_handler in your own implementation.

Failover handlers

If you are using async_handler to process asynchronous the error it's possible that the handler fails before it calls Rollbar.process_payload. For example, for the Resque handler, the Redis connection could fail so the job is finally not processed.

To ensure that the error is sent you can define a chain of failover handlers that Rollbar will use to send the payload in case that the primary handler fails. The failover handlers, as for async_handler, are just objects responding to #call.

To configure the failover handlers you can add the following:

config.failover_handlers = [Rollbar::Delay::GirlFriday, Rollbar::Delay::Thread]

With the configuration above, Resque will be your primary asynchronous handler, but if it fails queueing the job, Rollbar will use GirlFriday at first, and just a thread in case that GirlFriday fails too.

Logger Interface

The gem provides a class Rollbar::Logger that inherits from Logger so you can use Rollbar to log your application messages. The basic usage is:

require 'rollbar/logger'

logger ='Purchase failed!')

If you are using Rails, you can extend your Rails.logger so the log messages are sent to both outputs. You can use this snippet in one initializer (for example, config/initializers/rollbar.rb):

require 'rollbar/logger'


Deploy Tracking with Capistrano

Capistrano 3

Add to your Capfile:

require 'rollbar/capistrano3'

And then, to your deploy.rb:

set :rollbar_token, 'POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN'
set :rollbar_env, { fetch :stage }
set :rollbar_role, { :app }

Optionally, you can add a comment to your deploy with rollbar_comment. E.g.:

# Example: Interactively ask the user for a deploy comment.
#   Alternativeely, you could generate a comment by (e.g.) querying your SCM repo
set :rollbar_comment, {
  ask :comment, "Describing this deploy"


We've seen problems with Capistrano version 3.0.x where the revision reported is incorrect. Version 3.1.0 and higher works correctly.

Capistrano 2

Add the following to deploy.rb:

require 'rollbar/capistrano'
set :rollbar_token, 'POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Available options:

  • rollbar_token: The same project access token as you used for the rails generate rollbar command; find it in config/initializers/rollbar.rb. (It's repeated here for performance reasons, so the rails environment doesn't have to be initialized.)
  • rollbar_env: Deploy environment name . (Default: rails_env)

For capistrano/multistage, try:

set(:rollbar_env) { stage }

Counting specific gems as in-project code

In the Rollbar interface, stacktraces are shown with in-project code expanded and other code collapsed. Stack frames are counted as in-project if they occur in a file that is inside of the configuration.root (automatically set to Rails.root if you're using Rails). The collapsed sections can be expanded by clicking on them.

If you want code from some specific gems to start expanded as well, you can configure this in config/initializers/rollbar.rb:

Rollbar.configure do |config |
  config.access_token = '...'
  config.project_gems = ['my_custom_gem', 'my_other_gem']


By default we use OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER for SSL very mode. Although we don't recommend changing it, you can disable peer verification in case you experience SSL connection problems:

Rollbar.configure do |config|
  config.verify_ssl_peer = false

Web Proxies

If your application is deployed behind a proxy server, you can set the https_proxy (note the 's') environment variable and it will be honored, including username and password, if any.

export https_proxy=''

Alternately, you can configure the proxy settings in config/initializers/rollbar.rb. If used, host is mandatory and must include the URL scheme (e.g. http://), all other fields are optional:

config.proxy = {
  host: 'http://some.proxy.server',
  port: 80,
  user: 'username_if_auth_required',
  password: 'password_if_auth_required'

Configuration Options

For a listing of all configuration options available, see Configuration Reference.


The support for the different frameworks and libraries is organized into different plugin definitions. The plugins architecture documentation can be found in Plugins .

Help / Support

If you run into any issues, please email us at

For bug reports, please open an issue on GitHub.

Known Issues

If you are using jRuby with Oracle and JDK7, you may be expecting some errors sending reports to our API. This is caused by a bug in that JDK and the primer number used in the SSL algorithm. In order to fix this you can set the next configuration:

Rollbar.configure do|config|
  config.endpoint = ''