Data Retention

Control how long data is retained in your Rollbar account


Rollbar data retention period can be customized on all paid plans.

By default, Rollbar retains exception occurrence data for 180 days in accounts with a paid plan and 30 days in accounts with a free plan.

If your account has a paid plan and you are an owner on the account, you can choose to retain your occurrence data for a shorter period via the following steps:

  • Go to Account Settings → Security → Data Retention
  • De-select the option to use your plan's default data retention, then enter the number of days you'd like to retain occurrence data (an integer 7–180)
  • Optionally, choose whether you'd like to delete people and IP data along with occurrences. If selected, person and IP address data will be deleted when there are no more occurrences associated with a given person/IP address. Future occurrences from the same person/IP will not be recognized as coming from the same person/IP.
    • If you are required to comply with GDPR, then we recommend enabling this setting.
  • Click Save Settings

If you reduce your data retention period (e.g from 180 to 30 days), it may take some time for Rollbar to delete all the occurrences that should no longer be retained.

What data is deleted?

The data retention policy deletes or permanently redacts the following data:

  • Individual occurrences of items
  • Summarization of Occurrences*
  • (Optional) People Tracking data for individuals for whom all occurrences have been deleted.*
  • (Optional) IP Addresses for which all occurrences have been deleted.

Metrics for IPs affected by a given item are not decremented when IP data is deleted, however future occurrences from a deleted IP address will be counted as if they came from a new IP address.

* Summarization data and rollups of People data are deleted in a process run weekly on Saturday at 13:00 UTC which takes approximately 24 hours to complete.