Metrics API Occurrence Query Examples
Below are examples of the format of the request body for queries to the occurrence metrics API endpoint
Query time format
The start_time and end_time in the queries is unix epoch time in seconds
Example 1
This query returns an occurrence count of info and higher occurrences grouped by environment and level
"start_time": start_time,
"end_time": end_time,
"group_by": ["environment", "item_level"],
"filters": [
"field": "item_level",
"values": ["error", "critical", "warning", "info"],
"operator": "eq"
Example 2
This query returns the item_count and occurrence_id for every occurrence associated with a specific person_ids in a given time window
"start_time": starttime_unix,
"end_time": endtime_unix,
"group_by": ["item_counter", "occurrence_id"],
"filters": [
"field": "person_id",
"values": ["12345", "67890"],
"operator": "eq"
Example 3
This query gives the occurrence counts of each level in a time window. The date returned is for each hour in the time window.
This type of query is useful to see the pattern of occurrence counts over a period of time
"filters": [{ "field": "item_level",
"values": ["warning", "error", "critical"],
"operator": "eq"
"start_time": starttime_unix,
"end_time": endtime_unix,
"group_by": ["item_level"],
"granularity": "hour",
"timezone": "US/Pacific"
Example 4
The occurrence counts for each item that is occurring in an environment. Each code_version is grouped separately. This could be useful if multiple code_versions are running concurrently
"filters": [{ "field": "item_level",
"values": ["error", "critical"],
"operator": "eq"
{"field": "environment",
"values": ["production"],
"operator": "eq"
"start_time": start_time,
"end_time": end_time,
"group_by": ["code_version", "item_counter", "environment", "item_level"],
"granularity": "hour",
"timezone": "US/Pacific"
Updated over 1 year ago