Logger Configuration

Configure its behavior as you wish.


The RollbarConfig object allows you to configure a RollbarLogger.

An instance of the RollbarConfig could be created and tuned directly in code and then used to either initialize or reconfigure an instance of the RollbarLogger.

Alternatively, if your application is already using:

  1. either app.config or web.config files
  2. or an appsettings.json file
    you can add an optional Rollbar configuration section to either of the files.
    The SDK will auto-pickup the settings assuming a proper optional SDK package/module is referenced by the application. For alternative #1 above, reference the Rollbar.App.Config module. For alternative #2, reference the Rollbar.AppSettings.Json module.

For more flexibility when manually loading an SDK configuration from the supported application configuration files, take a look at the following types in modules:

Rollbar module:

- `Rollbar.NetStandard.IRollbarConfigurationLoader`
- `Rollbar.NetStandard.RollbarConfigurationLoader`

Rollbar.App.Config module:

- `Rollbar.App.Config.AppConfigUtility`
- `Rollbar.App.Config.RollbarConfigurationLoader`

Rollbar.AppSettings.Json module:

- `Rollbar.AppSettings.Json.AppSettingsUtility`
- `Rollbar.AppSettings.Json.RollbarConfigurationLoader`

Sample web.config or app.config Configuration

  1. Add references to the Rollbar.App.Config SDK module (or add its Nuget package to the application project).
  2. Add references to the Rollbar SDK module (or add its Nuget package to the application project).
  3. Make sure the application references System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager Nuget package.
  4. Update the web.config/app.config file of the application with the Rollbar relevant settings like so:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <section name="rollbar" type="Rollbar.NetFramework.RollbarConfigSection, Rollbar"/>
    <section name="rollbarTelemetry" type="Rollbar.NetFramework.RollbarTelemetryConfigSection, Rollbar"/>

    scrubFields="ThePassword, Secret"
    personDataCollectionPolicies="Username, Email"

    telemetryAutoCollectionTypes="Network, Log, Error"


Sample appsettings.json Configuration

  1. From the console application project, reference the Rollbar.AppSettings.Json SDK module (or its Nuget package).
  2. Make sure your application project also references:
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions,
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration,
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder,
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json,
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions.
  1. Add Rollbar SDK specific settings to the application appsettings.json file like so:
  "Logging": {
    "IncludeScopes": false,
    "Debug": {
      "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Warning"
    "Console": {
      "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Warning"

  "Rollbar": {
    "AccessToken": "17965fa5041749b6bf7095a190001ded",
    "Environment": "unit-tests",
    "Enabled": true,
    "MaxReportsPerMinute": 160,
    "ReportingQueueDepth": 120,
    "LogLevel": "Info",
    "ScrubFields": [
    "Person": {
      "UserName": "jbond"

    "PersonDataCollectionPolicies": "Username, Email",
    "IpAddressCollectionPolicy": "CollectAnonymized"

  "RollbarTelemetry": {
    "TelemetryEnabled": true,
    "TelemetryQueueDepth": 100,
    "TelemetryAutoCollectionTypes": "Network, Log, Error",
    "TelemetryAutoCollectionInterval": "00:00:00.3000000"


Configurational Settings Reference

  • AccessToken
    The access token for your project allows you access to the Rollbar API
  • Endpoint
    The Rollbar API endpoint. Default: https://api.rollbar.com/api/1/
  • Environment
    Environment name, e.g. "production" or "development", defaults to "production"
  • Enabled
    If set to false, errors will not be sent to Rollbar, defaults to true
  • LogLevel
    The least significant error level from which to start sending the messages to Rollbar. Here is the complete list of the error levels from the least significant one to the most significant one: debug, info, warning, error, critical.
  • LocalPayloadStoreFileName
    The name of the local payload store file. Default: RollbarPayloadsStore.db.
  • LocalPayloadStoreLocationPath
    The local payload store location path. Default: varies depending on the hosting environment.
  • Transform
    It allows you to specify a transformation function to modify the payload before it is sent to Rollbar. Use this function, for example, to add any value that is in Request.cs, such as the user's IP address, query-string, and URL of the request.
new RollbarConfig
    Transform = payload =>
        payload.Data.Person = new Person
            Id = 123,
            UserName = "rollbar",
            Email = "user@rollbar.com"
        payload.Data.CodeVersion = "2";
        payload.Data.Request = new Request()
            Url = "http://rollbar.com",
            UserIp = ""
  • ProxyAddress
    A URI string which will be used as the WebClient proxy passed to the WebProxy constructor.
  • ProxyUsername
    A string specifying web proxy's username to use (if any).
  • ProxyPassword
    A string specifying web proxy's password to use (if any).
  • PayloadPostTimeout
    Specifies how long you are willing to wait before giving up while trying to POST a payload in poor network conditions. It is a small but useful optimization setting.
  • CheckIgnore
    Function called before sending a payload to Rollbar. Return true to stop the error from being sent to Rollbar.
  • Truncate
    Truncates the payload before sending it to Rollbar.
  • Server
    An object with the following properties: Host, Root, Branch, and CodeVersion.
  • Person
    You can set the current person data like this:
private void SetRollbarReportingUser(string id, string email, string userName)
  Person person = new Person(id);
  person.Email = email;
  person.UserName = userName;
  RollbarLocator.RollbarInstance.Config.Person = person;

and this person will be attached to all future Rollbar calls.

  • PersonDataCollectionPolicies
    Allows to explicitly specify Person's data auto-collection policy flags. Supported values are None, Username, Email. Multiple policies can be combined (they are not mutually exclusive). Note: when combined, any other value takes priority over None even if None is explicitly mentioned. Default value is None.
  • IpAddressCollectionPolicy
    Allows to explicitly specify User IP address auto-collection policy. Supported values are Collect, CollectAnonymized (a portion of the IP address is masked out), DoNotCollect. These values are mutually exclusive. Default value is Collect.
  • MaxReportsPerMinute
    The maximum reports sent to Rollbar per minute, as an integer.
  • ReportingQueueDepth
    The reporting queue depth, as an integer. The reporting queue depth can be used to limit error report bursts when connectivity to the Rollbar API server is poor.
  • ScrubFields
    Array of field names to scrub out of _POST and _SESSION. Values will be replaced with asterisks. If overriding, make sure to list all fields you want to scrub, not just fields you want to add to the default. Param names are case-sensitive when comparing against the scrub list. Default: {'passwd', 'password', 'secret', 'confirm_password', 'password_confirmation'}
var config = new RollbarConfig(rollbarAccessToken) // minimally required Rollbar configuration
  Environment = rollbarEnvironment,
  ScrubFields = new string[]
  • ScrubWhitelistFields
    The fields mentioned in this list are guaranteed to be excluded from the ScrubFields list in cases when the lists overlap.