Shoryuken Integration
How to configure rollbar-gem to work with Shoryuken
Add the following in config/initializers/rollbar.rb
config.environment = Rails.env # necessary for building proper SQS name.
You also need to have the configuration for shoryuken in you project shoryuken.yml
and AWS settings, or, at least:
ENV['AWS_REGION'] = 'xxx'
Read more about Shoryuken configuration.
Also create the SQS channels equals to your environments, as follows:
The queues to report will be equal to rollbar_{CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT}
ex: if the project runs in staging environment the SQS to throw messages to will be equal to rollbar_staging
At this stage, you are unable to set custom SQS name to use.
For more information on rollbar-gem, please see the docs here.
Updated over 1 year ago