
Every occurrence in Rollbar has a timestamp. The timestamps that you see throughout the Rollbar UI and API are the time according to Rollbar's servers. We use and continuously monitor ntpd to keep our clocks in sync.

Timestamps are stored internally as unix timestamps, at second-level precision.

Timestamps in the UI are displayed using the timezone defined by the users browser.

Timestamps returned from the API are unix timestamps, as are timestamps in RQL queries.

The original timestamp reported to Rollbar by your application is available in the field metadata.customer_timestamp. It will normally be a unix timestamp as well. You can see this in two places:

  1. On the occurrence detail page, the Raw JSON section will include a metadata section. If there was a timestamp in the original report, it will be presented under Notifier Timestamp and it will also be present as the key customer_timestamp.
  2. Via RQL, you can select it as the column name metadata.customer_timestamp

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