Path Filter
The Notifications Path filter allows data in the JSON payload to be used to decide when a notification should be sent
The Rollbar SDK in the running application sends a JSON payload containing the event occurrence data. This raw JSON data can be viewed by selecting an occurrence on the Occurrences tab of the Item view. The Raw JSON is displayed at the end of the Occurrence view.
The JSON below is an example of a Raw JSON payload
"body": {
"trace": {
"frames": [
"class_name": "java.lang.Thread",
"method": "run",
"lineno": 748,
"filename": ""
"class_name": "org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable",
"method": "run",
"lineno": 61,
"filename": ""
"class_name": "com.example.springboot.MainController",
"method": "test",
"lineno": 32,
"filename": ""
"exception": {
"message": "Unhandled Thread error has occurred",
"class": "java.lang.RuntimeException"
"person": {
"id": "10098"
"custom": {
"trace_id": "9e5ba3146",
"customer_type": "enterprise"
Example Filters
Note: All Path filters need to be prefixed with the tag body
Example 1: Exception message contents
Example 2: Custom data field contents
Example 3 First frame of the stack trace
frames.0 means 1st frame of the stack trace
Example 4: Last frame of the stack trace
frames.-1 means last frame of the stack trace
Example 5: Numeric value >= 1000
Updated 10 months ago