
Rollbar SDK for Flutter | Support Level: Not Supported

As of April 2024, Rollbar will not be actively updating this repository and plans to archive it. We encourage our community to fork this repo if you wish to continue its development. While Rollbar will no longer be engaging in active development, we remain committed to reviewing and merging pull requests, particularly those about security updates. If an actively maintained fork emerges, please let us know, and we will gladly link to it from our documentation.

Quick Start

Integrating this library with your Flutter codebase requires the following steps:

  1. Add the package to your pubspec.yaml file:
  rollbar_flutter: ^1.5.0
  1. Run flutter pub get

To configure rollbar-flutter to handle all uncaught errors in your application:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

// Import Rollbar package
import 'package:rollbar_flutter/rollbar.dart' show Rollbar, RollbarFlutter;
import 'package:rollbar_flutter/rollbar.dart' as rollbar;

// Configure Rollbar SDK
Future<void> main() async {
  const config = rollbar.Config(
      accessToken: '<ClientAccessToken>',
      environment: 'development',
      codeVersion: '1.0.0',
      handleUncaughtErrors: true,
      includePlatformLogs: true,

  // Run app with Rollbar
  await RollbarFlutter.run(config, () {
    runApp(const MainApp());

class MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MainApp({super.key});

  static throwException() {
      throw Exception('Example error!');

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return const MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: Center(
          child: ElevatedButton(
            onPressed: throwException,
            child: Text('Throw an exception'),


  • Dart SDK >= 2.7.0
  • Flutter >= 1.20.0
  • A Rollbar account

Platform support

rollbar-flutter currently support Android and iOS.


Platform-specific occurrence information

When handleUncaughtErrors is set to true, there will be a separate rollbar-android notifier that will handle uncaught exceptions on the Android platform side.

Android runtime exceptions are thrown from a MethodChannel invocation will not be caught by rollbar-android though, since Flutter and re-thrown catch those on the Dart side. They will be caught and reported by the rollbar Dart notifier.

By default, the Dart exception will include the Java or Kotlin stack trace as a String in the exception message, missing important information from the Android runtime. To get rollbar-android to process the exception and add its information to the occurrence, all you need to do is replace the io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel instance in your Android code, with com.rollbar.flutter.RollbarMethodChannel, eg.:

public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity implements MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler {
    private static final String CHANNEL = "com.example.flutter/activity";

    public void configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull FlutterEngine flutterEngine) {
        new RollbarMethodChannel(

No other code changes are necessary.


When handleUncaughtErrors is set to true, there will be a separate rollbar-apple notifier initialized, which will report crashes to Rollbar.

Platform logs

Platform log collection (via Logcat on Android, and NSLog on iOS) can be enabled by setting includePlatformLogs to true in the configuration.

Note this will increase the size of the payload significantly, since log information can get very large.

Symbolication / Deobfuscation

If you use obfuscating the Dart code in your Flutter application, reported stack traces will not be very useful in most cases.

Rollbar provides a way for you to upload the symbols file generated during the obfuscation process so that stack traces can be symbolicated as they are reported.

Here is an example cURL command to upload a symbols file:

curl 'https://api.rollbar.com/api/1/fluttersymbols' \
  -F version=1.0.0 \
  -F flutter_symbols=@path/to/symbols/file

Where version matches the codeVersion set in your rollbar-flutter configuration, corresponding to the version the symbols file was generated for.

After uploading, any future reported errors for the specified version will automatically be symbolicated using the symbols file.

Flutter symbols can also be managed through the project settings page.

Help / Support

If you run into any issues, please email us at [email protected].
For bug reports, please open an issue on GitHub.