Related Items
Overview of the Related tab, found on the item detail page
The Related tab contains details of items that may be linked to the item you are currently viewing on the item detail page. The following tables are available.
Similar Items
The Similar Items table shows other items across the project that have a similar pattern as the current item. Items with the same Environment can be merged with the current item to form a new merged group item.
Other Environments
The Other Environments table shows items with the same grouping fingerprint that exist in other environments within the same project as the current item
Items related to the First/Reactivated version
These tables show items that first appeared or were reactivated in the versions associated with the current item. This can help users to spot different items that may be symptoms of the same underlying issue introduced in a specific code version. This data is the same as can be found in the version tracking screen.
Updated 3 months ago